I talk a lot with my hands.
I write about Wiser Leadership | The Future of Work | Being a Dad.
I'm based in England not far from London where I grew up. I live here with my wife, two kids, and two cats. If you want my back story then check out my biography article here.
Wiser Leadership
So this combines two of my passions: continuous self-improvement and leadership. Having been in leadership development for some time, I am of the view that the better person makes the better leader. More specifically, the wiser you are, the better you are at making leadership decisions.
If you are interested in learning more, then why not consider these two tags:
▫ Self-mastery
This is also the subject of my PhD which I will attempt through 'published works' so for each paper I publish on my way, I will add a Medium summary and maybe a video explainer.
Future of Work
I have always been interested in making traditional organisations more innovative. I was a founding member of a future of work community Hello Monday Club - Angelique keeps is going and many of my articles, including some that exclusive are still on the blog. https://hellomondayclub.com/magazine/
I have also written a book about how to make organisations more human-centric.
You might also like to connect with me on Linkedin as I often post on this topic and you can join my frequent Linkedin Live events.
Being a Dad
I don't write as much about this topic, but as the dad of adopted children, I found that not many write on this topic from a father's perspective. So I occasionally write for A Parent is Born and I encourage you to check out this publication.
If you would like to support me and fellow writers on Medium, you can join by using this link. That will mean I will earn a tiny commission, which will probably be used to keep him 👇 in cat treats.